The AKKA Project


The AKKA Project

The AKKA Project

  • The AKKA Project consists of 3 licences covering 47.1 km2 located 15 km west of the town of Akka in the Tata Province within the Souss-Massa Region. The AKKA Project occurs in the western Anti-Atlas Mountains, with copper as the primary target metal. Copper occurrences within the district are typically hosted within Adoudounian and Cambrian age sediments, which lie immediately east of the Paleoproterozoic Tagragra d’Akka inlier.
  • These sedimentary sequences are known to host copper deposits throughout the Western and Central Anti-Atlas and have been mapped in the project area with a copper occurrence identified c.1.5 km north of the Akka Project, which Managem is currently evaluating. The Akka Copper-Gold Mine (Iourirn), operated by Managem Group, lies 20 km west, with the Tazalaght Copper Mine 35 km northeast of the Akka Project (mineralisation hosted at Akka Mine (Iourirn) is not necessarily indicative of mineralisation at our Akka project).

AKKA : Reported Highlights

The AKKA Project

  • A total of 12 reconnaissance rock-chip samples were collected during an initial site visit, of which three samples were > 0.3 % Cu. The maximum reported copper value was 3.93 % Cu from a zone of quartz-carbonate veining cross-cutting a dolomitic fold hinge. The sample was collected 2.2 km south of a small operation operated by Managem, which targets the same structure. Two samples reported 0.30 % Cu and 0.34 % Cu from quartz veins within granodiorite occurring at the contact between the basement inlier and overlying Adoudou Formation sediments. Fine disseminated, bedding parallel copper oxide is observed with a 1.8m thick dolomitic sequence at the base of the shallow Adoudou Formation, adjacent to the contact of the inlier, and reported anomalous copper of 0.16 % Cu. (see RNS, 20th February 2024).
  • Work Plan for the Akka Project: Future work programmes will explore and map the Adoudou Formation, where evidence for sedimentary-hosted copper was observed. Mapping along strike from the Managem workings north of the project to identify structural control (folding) and continuity.

Prospective green metal portfolio

Morocco Portfolio

Primarily targeting Copper – Silver, in addition to Au, Sn, Zn & Pb

  • Projects are located mainly in the Anti-Atlas Mountains, as well as the High Atlas and Central Morocco. The Anti-Atlas is highly prospective for sedimentary-hosted copper.
  • The Tata Project: up to 7.02 % Cu from sediments, over 32 km of mineralised strike
  • The Jebilet Est Project: up to 4.43 % Cu from quartz-carbonate vein swarm
  • The Azrar Project: initial assay grades up to 3.41 % Cu and 56 g/t Ag in breccia and 1 % Cu and 16 g/t Ag from ferruginous stratiform sample.
  • The Jafra Project: up to 170 g/t Ag and 22.2 % Pb from quartz veins and fault breccia.
m About

Aterian plc is an investment company listed on the London Stock Exchange acquiring and developing critical and strategic mineral resources.